Thursday 10 July 2008

Getting lost and finding home.

Today was spent walking from Glebe into the City, to the National Australia Bank on Liverpool Street. Although we have our card and PINs, our cheque books won't arrive until next week, so I needed to get a counter cheque in case we needed to put down a deposit on a flat in the meantime. Which reminds me, they call them "units", not "flats". Which sounds a bit clinical.

On the way back, I turned the wrong way and ended up getting lost at Darling Harbour. Forever. Seriously, once you are in, there is no way out! It's kind of a pleasant place to get lost though, as you can see. I eventually escaped up a dingy looking staircase and found myself back up on Market Street. Then I walked all the way down George Street and Broadway to get back on to Glebe Point Road. This is decidedly NOT the quickest route, so next time I will look at walking via Ultimo. Or get the bus, but since I have a lot of time for walking right now it seems sensible to save the $1.80 bus fare.

Tomorrow night we have a reservation at the Glebe Point Diner, to celebrate the end of our first full week in Sydney! We won't be celebrating too hard however, as we are going to view a lot of flats...units sorry.....on Saturday morning, in Drummoyne and then maybe Summer Hill. I also want to look in Strathfield and Burwood as those would be good areas from the point of view of both of us getting to work easily, and it seems cheap to rent there. There is also a possibility of us taking over one of Mark's colleague's leases in Meadowbank on the North Shore, as she has bought a house and is keen to move in, but her lease is still running until October.

Anyhow, we shall see.

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