Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Finding feet.

Mark has started work at Macquarie Uni so for the past couple of days I have been sorting bits and bobs and also taking trips to the supermarket here in Glebe. It's called Coles and it's in this big shopping centre place called Broadway down the street.

It is slightly alarming how expensive some things are. All the chocolate bars are $1.80, which at the current exchange rate is about 90p. When you are used to 33p Crunchie bars from the Nottingham University union shop, this seems a bit extreme! SO I guess I am off chocolate for a while. There are cheap cookies however, which makes up for it a little. And cheap tofu and also cheap SUSHI which pretty much makes life worth living.

Milk is also pricy, but the worst thing is shampoo! It's like double the price! But I had to buy some anyway, and after a week of washing my hair in rubbish gunk nicked out of hotel bathrooms, it is such a relief to have a clean, pretty-smelling head again.

I just watched the weather, and everyone was going crazy about the fact that it is going to be "only" 14 degrees C for the next couple of days. "It's going to be COLD COLD COLD" apparently.

I love that I am in a country where 14 degrees in winter is considered especially cold.

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