It is rather unfortunate that I am not even coming close to achieving my one post a day aim for November. There just aren't enough hours in most days to do it! Here is an outline of an average weekday in my life at the moment:
Morning6.50am: Alarm goes off. snooze for 15 minutes. If I'm lucky Mark brings me a cup of tea.
7-7.10am: Out of bed! Drink juice. Have shower, wash hair.
7.30-8.10am: Dry hair, get dressed, pack lunch and other bits for work.
8.10am: Leave for train station.
8.19am: Board train for the city. Then I chill out and listen to Bartok or Saint-Saens or Sigur Ros and read my book.
8.50: Train arrives at Town Hall station. Walk to office on George Street. I work for a
Health Insurance company. Sometimes buy muffin or banana bread on route.
9am: At work! I look at claims. Lots of claims...
Afternoon1pm approx: Have lunch. Do any errands in the city that need doing.
After lunch: Process claims and other fun work stuff.
5pm: I endeavour to leave work around 5, but often it's 5.30pm.
6-6.30pm: Arrive home.
6.30pm: Often I go for a run or a walk in the park, or I sit and have a cup of tea or tidy up some stuff.
7.15pm-ish: Start doing dinner.
8-9pm (depending on what I've cooked!): Eat dinner with Mark.
9pm-ish: Wash-up, clean kitchen.
9.30pm: Get ready for bed. Wash face, clean teeth, and I always wash my feet before bed. If there's time, watch an episode of
House or another series on DVD. Or read.
10-10.30pm: Off to slumberland!
So there is unfortunately very little time for blogging :( Or any of the other things I want to do :(